Good luck to all our Y6s for their SATs, this week. They will be brilliant!
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St Paul's Church of England Primary School

Summer 2

Theme Learning Question:

What is special about the coast? 

Curriculum Coverage:

In English, our text this term is Zeraffa Giraffa by Diane Hoffmeyer. This book is a true story of Zeraffa a giraffe who was sent a gift from Egypt to France in 1827. We will be learning how to use persuasive language within our writing and use this to write a persuasive guide for visiting Zeraffa at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris.



In Maths this term we will be focusing on Time, Angles, Mass and Capacity. Within time, we will be learning how to tell and write the time from 12-hour and 24-hour digital clocks. This is something you could get practising at home! Within our angles topic we will be learning how to identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle. Within our Mass and Capacity unit we will be learning how to measure the weight of an object and to use equipment to do this.




This half term we will be learning all about the coast We will think about the different seaside resorts we have been to and will be sharing our own experiences. We will learn about the different plants and animals that live at the coast and about the physical features of the seaside such as cliffs, rock pools and sand dunes. In Science, we will be continuing our topic on ‘States of Matter’ learning about solids, liquids and gases. 
