Good luck to all our Y6s for their SATs, this week. They will be brilliant!
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St Paul's Church of England Primary School

Summer 1

Theme Learning Questions:

How is Mbale in Uganda like Woodhouse Eaves?

In Geography, we will be comparing geographical similarities and differences by studying the physical and human geography of a small area of the United Kingdom – (Woodhouse Eaves, Loughborough) and of a small area in a contrasting non-European country – (Mbale, Uganda, Africa).

Curriculum Coverage:

In Maths, we will be learning about fractions, including halves, quarters and thirds. We will also discover how half is equivalent to two quarters. Next, we will look at telling and writing the time to the hour, half hour and quarter of an hour. We will also begin to look at how the analogue clock is divided into intervals of 5 minutes. We will then find efficient ways to solve problems using all four mathematical operations, including developing our mental strategies.


In English, our text is ‘The Last Wolf’ by Mini Grey, which takes the form of a traditional tale, re-told in a way which highlights the impact of human activity on the natural world. We will be learning the skills we need to be able to write both a speech and a persuasive letter. These skills include:

  • Using subordination (if, that)
  • Adding the suffixes -er and -est to adjectives
  • Using homophones and near homophones
  • Using apostrophes for contracted forms
  • Including detail and description to inform the reader
  • Using a range of sentence forms to address the reader
  • Writing in 1st person and including our own viewpoint
  • Using correct openings and closings for a letter.


In Science we will be identifying, naming and describing the basic structure of a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous trees, evergreen trees and flowering plants. We will observe plants in our local environment, and watch the growth of flowers and vegetables that we have planted.


In Computing we will learn how to make digital music, creating rhythms and patterns, and exploring notes and tempo. In DT we will continue our project on moving vehicles, exploring the mechanism of the wheel, chassis and axle. In RE we will be exploring stories from the Qur’an, and asking the question, what do Muslims think about God? In PHSE we will be talking about how to keep a healthy mind and body.

